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  • Shaun Smithson

"Doing Well by Doing Good..."

As we start fresh in 2023, we are working to get more organizations and leaders to see the value of making the environment, DEI and communities central to their corporate ethos. While there is a lot pressure on companies to give more and more to the cause, we feel that just getting started can be a win. “Doing Well by Doing Good” is not always well received by many diehards, but organizations can make an impact and can – no should – help their companies and their stakeholders gain a tangible return. For some that’s profit, some a feeling of purpose, and for others a feeling of their values being aligned with the organization - All are important and all are ok!

At Lightwheel Advisors, we believe in helping leaders create thriving businesses through partnership – whether they are at the starting line or well on their way to achieving their targets. And, in some cases, it can be simple things such as benchmarking, materiality assessments or company training – and that’s where we help. As our partner list continues to grow, each of our partners have a different need or want, and are at a different stages on that journey – and we treat each partner and their needs differently to create bespoke services for them and help solve their issues – large or small.

For this post, we wanted to share a simple “win-win” example of how data and insights can help uncover big opportunities. I am a big fan of McKinsey’s work in the ESG space and find their insights very poignant and timely. This week I saw a great series of charts on tomatoes going to market and how many make it through the process to the shelves. This brings to mind some great points:

· how much food we waste…

· how it impacts our supply chains…

· how the cost gets passed on…

· What if an organization can be more efficient and lower its losses - can they can add important products back to the marketplace and potential solve more problems than just making a better profit?

Let us know what you think and maybe some ideas on how this can be made more efficient. Look for more insights on this and more topics and learnings from our work and research. And do let us know if we can help get you get started, or help support your ESG program and your efforts to “Do Well by Doing Good”. We are here to help….

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